Digital Village Registration - Digital Village project pdf - Digital Village CSC - Digital Village Project benefits for CSC
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Digital Village Registration - Digital Village project pdf - Digital Village CSC - Digital Village Project benefits for CSC |
Creating a Rural Entrepreneurship, Redefining e-Governance
Project 100 Digital Villages -
Digital Village Registration Objective - Implementations of CSC Digital Villages - Establishment of 100 Unique Model CSC (ICTS) Centers in 100 Gps under the PMEGP
Models CSC Centers are assisted access points for delivering Government of India E-Services in Rural & Remote locations, where availability of Computers & Internet is negligible or mostly absent. Digital Village Registration These are Nonstops Centers that Provide multiple services at a single geographical location.
With a view to achieve the objectives of Government of India, we Propose 100 digital Villages in District towards establishing 100 unique models of ICTs Centers. Digital Village Registration Regarding this we have Approached the District collector & Chairman DeGs, Lead District Manager, & GM DIC (PMEGP) Jayashankar Bhupalpally with a request to include the project proposal in DCC/District Level Implementation Committee meeting and garner financial support from bankers by covering this project under PMEGP (Prime Ministers Employment Generation Programme to prvide assistance to our VLEs who are fulfilling the eligibility requirements.
The proposed Project was initially implemented in Aspirational District Jayashankar
Bhupalpally in Telangana in two phases. Under Phase 1,Digital Village Registration District CSC selected the first 50
Entrepreneurs and processed the Application through PMEGP portal. Digital Village Registration After online application, the
proposals are routed through District Industries Center (DIC)/ KVIC/KVIB - Digital Village Registration Nodal Agency of
PMEGP to the Financing Bank.
Step Wise Project Implementation in a District Through De-Gs
Step 1 -
State Head, CSC sends proposal to District Collector / Chairman of DeGS for implementation of Model CSC centers through PMEGP in the
particular district.
particular district.
Step 2 -
Honourable District Collector calls for DCC/DLIC meeting with Controllers and
District Level implementation Committee, PMEGP-KVIC /DIC for approval.
Once approved in DCC/ DLIC meeting, the Chairmen of House, & Controllers
of banks send the instructions to Banks
Step 3 -
VLEs selection process will be conducted for received applications in
PMEGP portal individually. Bankers & District Administration further
process the applications as per Guidelines of PMEGP & Finance
Step 4 -
Once sanctioned by Banks, EDP Training conducted by KVIC online.
On completion of training, participants get EDP Certificate and Banks
will disburse the loan to Vendors or Suppliers for installation or
construct the Model CSC Centers in their Villages.
Step 5 -
After disbursement of loan, subsidy amount will be credit by KVIC to
Entrepreneur’s account and this amount will be on hold up to 3 years
if the unit is sustained. Interest waiver (MM) on Loan amount is
applicable during 3 years. After the 3 years subsidy portion is used
for close the loan.
The Successful Entrepreneur is eligible for next PMEGP loan for up to 1 Cr with
subsidy for his business development.
Note: DCC/ DLIC (District Level Implementation Committee) will conduct the
review meetings in every Quarter (3 Months) to know the facts and status of the
Sanctions. As a key take holder ,CSC SPV will be the Member of that committee and
discuss the issues at ground level to resolve them on case-to-case basis in the
Presence of the Chairman and Controllers.
Digital Village Registration The Banks accept the proposals as per the existing Guidelines of the PMEGP Scheme and
collect the documents from Entrepreneurs. Once the proposal is sanctioned, the Bank updates it
in PMEGP Portal through Bank Login. Then KVIC conducts the online EDP training of 5 days and
after successful assessment, the VLE gets EDP Certificate.
The concerned bank will appraise and sanction the project proposal within 60 days. After
release of loan, the Bank will claim Margin Money Subsidy (MMS) as per the procedure prevalent
for PMEGP units. The MMS will be kept as Term Deposit Receipt (TDR) for 18 months. Digital Village Registration Margin Money (subsidy) claimed under PMEGP has to be successfully adjusted on the completion of lockin period of 3 years.
VLE Eligibility Criteria : -
1.VLEs who have completed PMGDisha Village Target Preferable.
2.Must Qualify in IIBF/BC Examination for Activation of CSP Services.
3.Qualified in UID Supervisor Examination for UCL /Aadhaar Services.
4.RAP/INS/IRDA Certificate for Insurance Services Activation.
5.Valid PVC Certificate.
6.Good CIBIL Score and Bank Transactions.
7.Good Conduct and Systematic Financial Management.
8.Existing Units - Units that have already availed any Government Subsidy are not
Types of Model CSC Implementations.
Portable Cabin Model Project Cost: 2.5-3.0 Lakhs -
70 % of Funds utilised for
Pre-Fabricated movable
Container - Including
Interior, Furniture, AC, etc.
Remaining 30% Funds ulised
for Purchase of Technical
Requirements and Branding.
Construcon Model Project Cost: 3.0 Lakhs -
If VLE has own space or the GP
has alloed Space, they may
construct Permanent Office
Structure with 70% of Funds
and 30% can be utilised for
Purchase of Technical
Requirements & Branding.
Development Model Project Cost: 2.0-2.5 Lakhs -
If VLE has own Office
structure, they may ulise the
funds - 30% for Upgrade and
Branding of Model CSC;
remaining 70% to be utilised
for Purchase of Technical
Requirements and Working
Capital (T&C).
Digital Village Project benefits for CSC.
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Digital Village Registration - Digital Village project pdf - Digital Village CSC - Digital Village Project benefits for CSC |
The Digital Village Project, implemented by the Common Services Centers (CSCs), aims to transform rural areas in India by providing access to various digital services and technologies. Digital Village Registration Here are some benefits of the Digital Village Project for CSCs:
1.Digital Empowerment: The project empowers CSCs to act as digital service delivery points in rural areas. It enables villagers to access a wide range of government services, such as applying for documents, Digital Village Registration availing welfare schemes, and accessing information online. This digital empowerment helps bridge the digital divide between urban and rural areas.
2.Enhanced Connectivity: CSCs are equipped with internet connectivity, allowing villagers to access the internet and connect with the digital world. This connectivity brings numerous advantages, such as access to information, e-learning opportunities, online marketplaces, and communication platforms.
3.Access to Government Services: CSCs play a crucial role in delivering government services to rural communities. They act as intermediaries between villagers and government agencies, enabling citizens to apply for services like birth certificates, land records, ration cards, and other essential documents without traveling long distances to government offices.
4.E-Governance and Efficiency: The Digital Village Project promotes e-governance by digitizing government processes and services. CSCs facilitate the delivery of these services in a transparent and efficient manner, reducing bureaucracy and eliminating corruption. This streamlines processes and improves the overall efficiency of government services in rural areas.
5.Skill Development and Employment Opportunities: CSCs serve as training centers, providing villagers with digital literacy and skill development programs. By acquiring digital skills, Digital Village Registration individuals can access online job opportunities, participate in the digital economy, and enhance their employability. This helps in creating employment opportunities and boosting the local economy.
6.Access to Banking and Financial Services: CSCs act as banking correspondents, providing basic banking services to rural communities. Villagers can open bank accounts, make transactions, avail insurance and pension services, and access financial literacy programs. This promotes financial inclusion and enables villagers to manage their finances effectively.
7.Telemedicine and Healthcare Services: CSCs often provide telemedicine facilities, connecting villagers with doctors and healthcare professionals through digital platforms. This improves access to healthcare in remote areas, reduces healthcare costs, and enables timely medical consultations and diagnoses.
8.Agricultural Information and Services: CSCs offer agricultural information and services to farmers, including weather updates, market prices, crop advisory, and government schemes related to agriculture. This empowers farmers with crucial information for making informed decisions, improving productivity, and maximizing their agricultural outputs.
Overall, the Digital Village Project benefits CSCs by empowering them to deliver digital services, enhance connectivity, provide access to government services, promote skill development, offer banking and healthcare facilities, and facilitate agricultural support. These initiatives contribute to the socio-economic development of rural areas and bridge the digital divide between urban and rural India.