We all are know CSC is the biggest earning platform in India. All are want to get a CSC ID and earn money at their own location. CSC again launch a new portal. What type of services will be available in the new CSC portal in this article we will discuss:-
csc new portal |
Here is the Home page of new website launched by CSC Team.
We will discuss what type of works to be done here and also we will discuss if any person want to get a CSC id then can they are register in this portal ? Lets Start:-
Firstly who have already a CSC Center, they must have to verify their CSC Center. That means all the CSC Center must be complete physical verification. If any VLE will not verify then they can not get any new or government related service to do their center. But a question is, How to know our Center is physical verified or not. ?
First go to the Official New Website of CSC: Click Here
CSC New Portal |
This is the main page of new website launch by CSC.
Here 3 options are available. Just see the right side of this screen. Select the navigation option with select the state and district name. Then you can know and see in the map how many CSC Centers are available of your selected areas.
CSC New Portal |
Now you can enter the K.M. then you can see in circle how many CSC Centers are available.
CSC New Portal |
Now if you want to see the total list how many CSC Centers completed physical verification then click on last option (Village wise CSC). Just fill the details like State Name, District Name, Sub District Name and Village Name then you can see a button will be appear (Save as PDF). Just click on Save as PDF Button. a PDF file will be download. Just open and see the list. If your name is not available in the PDF file then you have to complete the physical verification by your CSC Team, but if your name is available in the pdf file then no need to complete physical verification.
The following documents in original should be deposit to the CSC DM at the time of physical verification.
1- Bank Passbook
2- Aadhar Card
3- Pan Card
4- TEC Certificate
5- CSC Reference Slop
6- 2 Passport Size Photographs
7- Inside and outside photos of your center with candidate
For more details visit our website: www.techmeher.com or www.techmeher.in